Gazorp, a free malware builder spotted on the dark web, lets would-be threat actors create customized AZORult attacks.
In reality, Gazorp’s panel’s look is far less enticing than promised. The main statistics page looks quite dull in comparison to that of Azorult v3, and its main improvement on its counterpart is the global heap map that provides statistics by country in a way that wasn’t accessible in the Azorult panels.
Apart from the suggested modifications, there are quite a lot promised features for the future. For instance, the authors incorporated a ‘modules’ section which suggests the ability to extend Azorult with new capabilities, but it is not yet implemented. They also offer more casual panel features like the ability to configure the panel and export the various databases to a file. These are also not available yet and are expected to be added as the project develops.
ere are some simple instructions for you to get started with it:
Upload File in server and extract it
Add 777 perm folder INC,CSS
Create DB SQL , name, user, pass and perm
upload dump.sql in the SQL db
Config data in index.php DB Host ,user...
Connect too the panel
Open builder and create file on domain
Done !!
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